Sunday, December 31, 2017

Looking back; looking forwards

So it's that time of the year when we review what we did in 2017 and plan what we will do in 2018.

All I can say is that 2017 wasn't my best year. However, compared with many of my friends, real or virtual, it could have been far worse. So I refuse to moan. 

As for 2018. Who knows? I am going to help out in local Park Runs. They're totally free. If you haven't heard of this wonderful initiative, then read THIS.  It am unable to run anywhere but I will volunteer in any way I can, even if it's only by turning up at 9am every Saturday morning and encouraging runners, walkers, wheelchair pushers, young and old, lonely, sad or unmotivated - in fact everyone.

When it comes to writing, I have been very snail-like in my endeavours in 2017. But I am still writing although none of you will have seen my name bandied around anywhere.  But I've tried. I have one completed full-length novel under my belt which I am still determined to submit successfully in 2018. I have already got a fistful of rejections  - some of them not at all encouraging. Oh well. I'll fight on.

I am currently editing another completed novel which I hope to be in a fit state to submit in a month or so. I have been writing it for over five years. 

And how's this for a flash of serendipity?  I have been thinking about another novel for the past year. But my mind has remained totally blank. You may know I love historical fiction. However I wasn't sure which of my favourite eras or events I wanted to hone in on. I did know I wanted to set it north of Yorkshire possibly Teesside or Durham. Those who know me well will understand why.

So...only yesterday, an email popped in my in-box out of the blue. I subscribe to various websites wthat only post every so often. And there it was. A historical, geographical and geological factoid with links to Lewis Carroll, churches and folklore,  and bottomless lakes with a quotable name that would make a good title for a novel! I am now thinking of creating one from a series of linked events set in different periods, starting, if I remember in 1179. 

It's all very vague and have not even lifted a pen or opened a new file. It will no doubt change out of all proportion. I'm already thinking of research! I'm excited and am more than ready to charge forth into 2018 and beyond.

I will now take a deep breath and wish us all a Happy and Healthy New Year. May it bring you everything you hope for and nothing you fear  Kindness will again be my word of the year.

Oh and please do plenty of this. But then I'm preaching to the converted, aren't I?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How Do You Take Your Christmas?

Is it traditional like this..?

Or this

Or maybe even these variations. Both as bad as each other!

Or do you prefer a traditional family Christmas?

However or wherever you find yourself in the next week or whether you are facing deep joy or profound sadness, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas!

Nest week, a review of  my 2017.